We got enough sun yesterday that I was able to photograph the finished work,
However, now my brother is visiting and my studio also happens to be the guest bedroom and is overfull with inflatable sleeping arrangements. So my current piece will have to wait until I can figure a way around that. Also, I will be traveling to Arlington, VA in a few short days to visit with my parents and friends who still live on the East Coast. So there's another chunk of time out of the studio.
In other news, after I finish the current piece I am working on, I will be collaborating with a friend on a children's book. The opportunity really excites me, although I'm not sure why she's outsourcing the illustration as she is a talented artist in her own right. I hope to be going to the National Zoo to do some sketches in preparation for the book.
I also have some plans for painting on the horizon. I'm hoping to amass a large enough body of work by the end of March that I'll be able to start submitting my work to juried shows. It's been 2 years since I've shown my work--what with being pregnant and then occupied with baby. I was really hoping to be further along with this whole art-career by now, but sometimes I get sidetracked. But now I have a plan! And a studio, kind of.
The room I was working in was full of boxes of books. We went out and got two bookshelves, which allowed me to get my desk under the window with the good light and empty out 5 boxes. There are still 6 boxes full of books, plus a box with shoes, a box with knicknacks (including my college diploma), and a box full of Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas decorations. That room should be the illustration for the dangers of marriage between book-lovers. Also, I've named the room:
Eloise, the guest-studio. So there you have it.
Now, buy my work because I need money for art supplies!
Before I go--should I get a spot on Ebay? Or some other commerce-inducing engine? Thoughts? Feelings?