This is the illustration for the end of the story, when the boy flies through his window and lands in his own bed.
It was taken on my studio desk, so ignore anything happening outside of the yellow plane.
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while--I was in Virginia, visiting with family and friends and all of my photos were here (in Illinois). I am currently working on stitching together a small accordion book to go with another illustration, and I have two more works percolating in the sketchbook. One is inspired by a friend who should chuck his day job and do what he loves, and the other is inpired by my bird-like nesting instincts. It is that time of year, after all.
I have found myself frequenting the fabric store of late. I am not much for sewing--I have all the requisite pieces for a skirt waiting to meet the machine sitting in my studio. They've been waiting since February, so
clearly it's a top priority. I'm not really sure what-all I'm going to be doing with all of the bits of fabric that I have amassed. I have hazy plans for a quilt based on trains for Adrian, and a quilt for a friend who's expecting a baby in the spring, as well as some hand made baby booties. I am planning more projects than there are hours to finish them, but I'm sure that I'll find the time. I learned how to crochet last winter and I have a half-finished hat for Aaron...I've been stiching and tearing out the same six inches for months now, and I stubbornly refuse to give us this losing battle.
I am a very tactile person, as well as someone who is in love with color. I think that is what draws me to fabric. I haven't the patience to be a fabric artist, but I think that I could probably incorporate scraps here and there into my 2-D work.
Presently, it's all part of fufilling the need to amass, catagorize, and store away.