The top (closed) is monoprinted using acrylic paint & cling wrap.

This be the interior. A print on textured paper, a map, shells, sea glass, and some grosgrain ribbon.

The print, up close.

The rest, up close.
This was pretty much an exploration of adhesives. I am trying to find what will handle all of the banging and clanging that the U.S. Postal Service will bestow as part of their delivery. I can tell you that hot glue doesn't work on things like shells & glass, and while there is a small amount of satisfaction in wielding a gun of molten glue ultimately you're just going to have to re-glue it. Elmer's white school glue works pretty well, unless things get warm. I have found that Tulip brand Fabric paints work surprisingly well, and come in a variety of colors to mimic whatever is being adhered.
And that's all I have to say about that.