Monday, March 05, 2012

A year of ART, month three!

I decided in December of 2011 that 2012 would be a year of ART. 
So far it has been art, and drama, and unexpected things--temporary setbacks, or alternate roadways, or similar.

Part of "The Year of Art" is applying to juried shows; because I'm good enough (smart enough, and people like me) dammit!
So I sent in this painting of a sycamore.

And this painting of a the idea of a whale.

And now I am waiting to hear back as to whether or not I have been juried in.

And while I wait I am working on other paintings, taking an online polymer clay class, getting my shit together for Goddess Weekend 2012--you should totally come. I'll be there and I'll be teaching, it'll be a kick in the seat of the pants. 

Yesterday I was a beast. I made Moroccan food, shortbread cookies, had some girls over for wine and film and helping Juju Jones get her shit together for GW2012.

Today, I am being reminded that I am no longer 21, that hydration is really important, and eating constantly. 
I got some sketching done, and if I can sneak in an afternoon nap, I am going to try and get some more art-type stuff done tonight. That whole nap thing is going to be tricky, because the kids are off school for Casimir Pulaski day. I have spent most of the day playing short order chef/referee; which is completely reinforcing my desire to GO to Goddess Weekend. 

This post gets no editing. Revel in the misspellings and unintentional grammar.

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